Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The funny things kids say...

So, as my friends know...I've recently become a step-mom to 3 beautiful girls. And these 3 girls make me laugh all the time because they say some of the funniest things. I recently bought a 3 divided notebook to start writing down the funny things they say and this past weekend, there were a few so I thought I'd share them with you.

1. Audrey (3): Looking and petting the dog, Jill, she asks, "Terri, why does Jill have black lipstick on?"

2. Audrey (3): We celebrated Suzie's birthday this weekend (her actual birthday is today, the 5th). She's really into mermaids so I had my friend do a really cool mermaid cake for her. Audrey's response to the mermaid on top of the cake..."I like her boobs."

3. Suzie (6): Friday night we played Princess Monopoly Jr. with the girls. At one point, Chloe got excited because she made some money off her Dad so she says, "In your face! " to which Suzie replied, "yeah, in my face, too!"

4. Chloe (7): I was asking her what we should get "Dad" for Christmas. She got to thinking and came up with a few was, "A candle. Because he likes those."

5. Chloe (7) : Chloe and I were in the car and the subject of having a baby came up. She said she wanted us to have a boy "...because, you know, they have different parts."

6. And one from the wedding...Audrey tells us later that she wanted to "ride in the limbo with us."

And I would also like to take a moment to brag on Chloe a little bit. She is a very generous little girl. She had brought $10 of her own money and insisted on buying Suzie a birthday present with it. So, I took her shopping on Saturday afternoon and not only did she get Suzie a present but she made sure to buy Audrey some stickers so she wouldn't feel left out. Then on Sunday, we took the girls to the mall and they wanted to ride the carousel and again, Chloe insisted on paying for her ride as well as Audrey's ride. She's so cute and sweet and I was just very impressed at how giving she was. Adults could really learn a lot from children...they are so sincere and honest about everything.

I'll try to post more fun things the girls say cuz we can all use a smile here and there :)


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

In light of...

the holiday season, I feel compelled to do a slight bit of venting...

This morning as I was getting ready for work, I was listening to the Today Show and heard of 2 issues that have recently made headlines. 1.) Rosie O'Donnell ripping into Kelly Ripa because she made some comment to Clay Aiken about "where his hands had been" after he covered her mouth with his hand. Rosie felt like it was a "homophobic statement" on Kelly's part. WHATEVER. Whether or not it it REALLY necessary to make such a huge deal about to the point that everyone feels the need to comment on it now?? 2.) Michael Richards ("kramer" off of Seinfeld) recently made some very poor statements in his comedy show regarding racism. Yes, it was in incredibly poor taste and completely rude on his part. Regardless of his reasoning, he has since apologized. Whether or not he is sincere is now not our problem. It is his. And yet, again, is it now REALLY necessary to continue to make such a huge deal about?? Now, we have 2 massive issues once again all fired up and people are getting all angry. Maybe I'm being a little excessive here. Then again...

Then, I'm driving to work this morning and for some reason, the drivers in our nice midwestern Wichita, Kansas, USA, seem to think we need to move really fast and be very aggressive in our driving. Lately, it's all I can do to not lash out (Road Rage here I come...) at the people who are so insensitive and rude on the road. It's Kansas for crying out loud!! The state will not fall apart if you are a couple minutes late to something. Sheesh.

And last night, I'm at Wal-mart doing some grocery shopping for the holiday feast coming up. And it just amazes how rude people are and how inconsiderate they are to each other. We all need to shop and get food and so it's going to be busy and about a thousand people are going to be there. (And for those of you that know me well, crowds are not my friends...) But, it's the holidays people...can't we just smile and let the other person have the last can of yams or let their cart turn first without someone else trying to hastily turn their overflowing cart into your lane as they are passing to grab a turkey?? Sheesh.

Granted, I will admit that right now it may just be that time of the month and as my sweet, ever patient husband, pointed out my "senses are heightened right now". However, it is supposed to be the season of giving and not of shoving and yelling.

Okay, I think I might be feeling better now. See, I just needed to vent a bit. Plus, I did also just talk to my husband and he makes me smile.

I just wish people could understand that being rude will not make it easier or quicker for anything. It will only frustrate people more and then additional rudeness will becomes a never ending battle. Rude vs. More Rude.

So, I challenge anyone who reads this (which is like 3 people) to go out of your way to be extra nice and courteous to EVERYONE...the customers, the people that work in customer service, your co-workers, etc. Then maybe the roads will be calmer, the lines will seem shorter, and the complainers will be less vocal.

With that...Hope your Turkey Day is great!

Thursday, November 16, 2006


So, just in case someone happens to check this blog out...I thought I'd post again...only now my blog page will be changed to terriH's word instead of terrip's world. My last name changed 2 weeks ago tomorrow and I'm loving it.

To my precious and dear friends...Heidi, Ashlee & could I have gotten through those few days leading up to the wedding without you???? I can not tell you how blessed I am to have such wonderful friends like each of you. I don't know how many times my mom said to me "Terri, you have such great friends!" and every time I just nodded my head, puffed up with pride at the mention of each of you and said "I know...they are all AWESOME!!" I love you girls so very much and you each went way above the call of friendship by making my wedding so very special. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! I don't know that I'll ever stop thanking you.

For those who don't know...Heidi, Ashlee & Jordanne were my personal attendants and they did everything! They were amazing. Anytime anything needed to be done...they were on it in a flash and always with a reassuring "we'll take care problem" and with a smile on their face. While I and the other bridesmaids were getting ready, these 3 precious beings were running around from the church to the reception place to getting food to transporting items, last minute decorating, etc. And on top of all that...they kept me sane!

Thank you girls for who you are to me. I love you dearly :)

And a huge thank you as well to my bridesmaids who were also there with my attendants a few days before the wedding. Just having my closest friends around made it all so great. Everyone was just wonderful and I loved being with you and celebrating with you and eating penis cookies with you. (Can I say that word on a blog???) Thank you for all my gifts and the painting of the nails and the wine and the good times. And thank you for all the decorating on the day before the wedding. You girls all rock when it comes to decorating!! Wow wee!!

I LOVE YOU ALL, Girlfriends! Until the next wedding...(Jordanne?? Ashlee??........)


Friday, May 12, 2006

paper announcement

hello all. i thought i would put up the engagement announcement that was in our sunday paper on may 7.

so cute, don't ya think??

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

the story...

brace yourselves, people...this is a long post...

okay, heidi, here’s the story...

jeff & jennifer isaacs are friends of mine from college. jeff & kyle grew up together at riverlawn and also went to school together. jennifer is the one who had the idea of us meeting (to my misgivings cuz blind date/meetings never work for terri) and so we all hung out at jeff & jen’s one night, had pizza and played cards. knowing that kyle was divorced and had kids kinda freaked me out a bit but we continued to talk and go out every once in a while and he really started to grow on me. i officially decided i liked him on december 11 which was the night of my office christmas party. on christmas eve, we had “the talk” and decided to be an official “couple” and from then on spent as much time together as possible. i totally fell in love with him and his girls and am very excited! :)

so...the proposal...

okay, so i had bought my grandma’s house and was going to begin “fixing” it up. once kyle and i started dating, he began to do his version of “fixing” it up which involved much more than i had planned. so he has been working very hard on replacing, removing, re-wiring, reviving, re-working just about everything in the house. (he’s amazing...he can do anything!) one thursday evening (april 6) we had planned on going out on a date (not unusual). he was to meet me at the parentals house. i got home from work and he was already there (still not unusual). i went into the house, chatted with the mom for a moment, realized kyle was not in their house so i proceeded on over to my house cuz i figured he was just doing something in there while he was waiting for me to get home (again, still not unusual). i walked in the door and he came out of the kitchen, we said “hi” and then before anything else was said i sniffed and was like “why does it smell like paint in here?” (thinking maybe someone has stopped by to do some work on the house that day...still not unusual). at that point i turned to my right and there on the wall in red spray paint was “WILL YOU MARRY ME?” which i gasped and turned back around and he got on his knee, pulled out the ring, and proposed. it was precious and so incredibly perfect! cuz now we’ll always know those words will be under the paint. how cool is that? plus it was totally unexpected cuz he had been throwing me off acting like we wouldn’t be getting engaged anytime real soon. he’s so sneaky. afterward, he took me to eat at this really nice restaurant and we had so much fun. then, of course, we stopped by jeff & jen’s to give them the news...jennifer hasn’t stopped giggling.

phew! there it all is in a brief nutshell. i love that kyle, he’s pretty great and totally wonderful to me. he's kind, thoughtful, he totally makes me laugh, he treats me so so good and i could probably just go on and on about how fabulous he is. i think i’ll keep him :)

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

wedding update

greetings to my cute friends :)

i thought i'd post a slight change to the wedding plans. you'll notice in my profile that the wedding date has officially been changed from january 19, 2007 to NOVEMBER 3, 2006. yes, it's true. kyle and i like each other so much we didn't want to wait until january. i hope this date will still work for you all cuz i would love to have all my homies out there come on out to wichita for the big day. it's still on a friday evening and it's going to be a lot of fun!! good times will be had by all :)

also, i have my camera with me today so i'm going to try and get the "marry me" wall pic posted sometime today, however, the day looks to be a little chaotic (as least for this morning) so we'll see.

stay tuned...

loves to all :)

oh, and heidi, what's the status on getting the okay from dad post?? i'm still waiting for his approval...

Friday, April 21, 2006

here it is...

again, i apologize for the tardiness in getting these images up. and i must apologize for the not so good clarity. these pictures really don't do the ring justice so i attempted a computer drawing of the ring with labels so you can kind of (and i say that rather loosely) get a better idea of what the fuzzy ring picture actually looks like. but alas it won't post correctly so just kidding on the drawing. you'll just have to try and imagine how absolutely beautiful and gorgeous the ring is (can you tell i totally love it????) but first, i thought i would show you the engagement picture of kyle and me....are we cute or what??

okay, so here is the ring...

okay, that top part is actually 6 small square diamonds that form a rectangle, to each side are 3 more square diamonds, then there is a strip of baguettes running down the middle. in front and back of the ring are bands with round diamonds.

i love it :)

and, so you'll have to wait on the "marry me" wall cuz i haven't taken that picture yet. oh, but i will sometime. i forgiven for being a slacker now?????

loves to all...

Monday, April 17, 2006

i promise...

to those of you who have asked (but remember terri is a blogger slacker) to post a picture of my newly engaged hand :), the now famous "marry me" wall, as well as a recent picture of the cutey fiance and me...very soon. i keep forgetting to charge my camera batteries and take the pictures. but please keep checking back all ye who are faithful.'ll notice i deleted everything else i had written (you know, like all 4 posts). i will still try my best to update you on the house as well.

sorry i'm a slacker. but i'm glad you are still my friends. loves to all :)