Wednesday, November 22, 2006

In light of...

the holiday season, I feel compelled to do a slight bit of venting...

This morning as I was getting ready for work, I was listening to the Today Show and heard of 2 issues that have recently made headlines. 1.) Rosie O'Donnell ripping into Kelly Ripa because she made some comment to Clay Aiken about "where his hands had been" after he covered her mouth with his hand. Rosie felt like it was a "homophobic statement" on Kelly's part. WHATEVER. Whether or not it it REALLY necessary to make such a huge deal about to the point that everyone feels the need to comment on it now?? 2.) Michael Richards ("kramer" off of Seinfeld) recently made some very poor statements in his comedy show regarding racism. Yes, it was in incredibly poor taste and completely rude on his part. Regardless of his reasoning, he has since apologized. Whether or not he is sincere is now not our problem. It is his. And yet, again, is it now REALLY necessary to continue to make such a huge deal about?? Now, we have 2 massive issues once again all fired up and people are getting all angry. Maybe I'm being a little excessive here. Then again...

Then, I'm driving to work this morning and for some reason, the drivers in our nice midwestern Wichita, Kansas, USA, seem to think we need to move really fast and be very aggressive in our driving. Lately, it's all I can do to not lash out (Road Rage here I come...) at the people who are so insensitive and rude on the road. It's Kansas for crying out loud!! The state will not fall apart if you are a couple minutes late to something. Sheesh.

And last night, I'm at Wal-mart doing some grocery shopping for the holiday feast coming up. And it just amazes how rude people are and how inconsiderate they are to each other. We all need to shop and get food and so it's going to be busy and about a thousand people are going to be there. (And for those of you that know me well, crowds are not my friends...) But, it's the holidays people...can't we just smile and let the other person have the last can of yams or let their cart turn first without someone else trying to hastily turn their overflowing cart into your lane as they are passing to grab a turkey?? Sheesh.

Granted, I will admit that right now it may just be that time of the month and as my sweet, ever patient husband, pointed out my "senses are heightened right now". However, it is supposed to be the season of giving and not of shoving and yelling.

Okay, I think I might be feeling better now. See, I just needed to vent a bit. Plus, I did also just talk to my husband and he makes me smile.

I just wish people could understand that being rude will not make it easier or quicker for anything. It will only frustrate people more and then additional rudeness will becomes a never ending battle. Rude vs. More Rude.

So, I challenge anyone who reads this (which is like 3 people) to go out of your way to be extra nice and courteous to EVERYONE...the customers, the people that work in customer service, your co-workers, etc. Then maybe the roads will be calmer, the lines will seem shorter, and the complainers will be less vocal.

With that...Hope your Turkey Day is great!


Anonymous said...

jeeze sound like me and my rants about the news. Actually, I have found that quite often- the news is one of the most entertaining things. And before you think it's because they are so good at it- Think again! They say the most ridiculous things sometimes!!! I like that you write on your should do it more often! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Friday! Did you get blasted with snow???