Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Does anyone...

still check this thing????

Seriously, I'm a bad, bad blog poster. But, for those like 3 people who may or may not still check this thing...I was thinking that you could give me some updates on ya. So, please, please, comment to this particular post and let me know what is going on in your worlds. Pretty please...

In the meantime, I thought I'd try to post a few random wedding pictures. Everytime, I look at any of the pictures, I just wish the day was here all over again. It was SOOO fun! I should warn you though that I seem to have issues when it comes to posting pictures on this thing. They are never aligned or anything so please forgive the mass chaos of the layout (which drives me BONKERS) Okay, here's some pictures :)


Ashlee Liddell said...

I, of course still check this blog!
I know Heidi does too, but she has been very busy lately with a sick little Jaret. They were actually in the hospital (monday) and as far as I know they were there today too. So, pray for Jaret, and that they will figure out what is wrong with him......

Love you, and loved your wedding!

Anonymous said...

Yeah for a new post. I only check your every so often (b/c I don't expect a change), but low and behold, today I was surprised! You looked beautiful at the wedding...and to find ou what is going on with us, just check out our blog!

jordanne said...

TERRI! I check your blog. you should check mine! I acutally updated and put pics of Ethiopia on there. We need to talk soon!

jordanne said...

hello? update? anyone? anyone?

Shelly said...

Terri-I just found your blog today via Tonya Avery's. I love your wedding pictures!!! You are gorgeous and you have a beautiful family!

Check out my blog sometime if you want.

Good to be back in touch with you!